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Network 1, Inc. provides placement services to individuals with intellectual disabilities who have never worked, are currently unemployed, or want to re-enter the workforce. Participants in this program will be given support by a Case Manager and will have opportunities to work on a variety of jobs if desired to ensure a proper fit. This will increase participants’ knowledge of what it means to be a good employee while at the same time allowing them to earn income. Depending upon each participant’s needs, Network 1, Inc. may provide transportation to and from the work sites. However, mobility skills training will also be available if needed.


Our services include career planning, assessments (situational & functional), supported employment (individual & group placement), work skills development, community inclusion/outreach, technical assistance and accommodations assistive technology, transportation, and mobility training. Our first step begins with a supported employment assessment for each participant to determine skill level, job preferences, opportunities for integration into a community job setting, transportation issues, family concerns, and more. Once employment has been established, we offer side by side job coaching (cues, verbal prompts, instructions, feedback) to assist participants with learning their job tasks to the greatest extent possible. 

paid internship

Network 1, Inc.’s Paid Internship Program (PIP) is designed for individuals with disabilities to enable the acquisition of experience and skills for future paid employment, or for the internship itself to lead to full or part-time paid employment in the same job. PIP is customized and provided in the following areas:​
• Participants will secure the dignity of economic self-sufficienct within their community

• Participants will be provided with the tools, training & supports necessary, to achieve positive employment outcomes
• Participants will learn work-related tasks and/or appropriate communication skills, will gain practical work experience for resume development, obtaining competency in a selected trade, or preparation to start a business
• Participants will increase their chances of transitioning from internship placements into competitive integrated work opportunities of their choice


Our Tailor Day Services provide a unique opportunity for individuals who are Regional Center Consumers to participate in programming for fewer days/hours than more traditional day/work programs. Tailored services allow for greater flexibility and intense focus on a person’s life goals and personal choices. Individuals choosing to receive Network 1, Inc.’s Tailored Services in lieu of traditional day programs to pursue their goals, will enjoy flexibility regarding the duration and intensity of services designed to meet their individualized needs. Participants will receive training and support as desired for coordinating volunteer activities, furthering the development or maintenance of employment, attending community college (inclusive of satellite campuses), and mobility training for leading a more integrated and inclusive life.


Hiring individuals with disabilities has amazing benefits including dedicated and loyal employees; reduced turnover rates; reduced absenteeism, pre-screening of job candidates; access to an untapped and underutilized labor pool; savings on advertising, hiring, and training expenses; and individualized 1:1 training by a job coach at no expense to the employer. Among the many other benefits listed above, hiring individuals with intellectual disabilities also yields tax breaks. The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) is a Federal Tax Credit available to employers for hiring individuals from certain target groups, such as those in Network 1, Inc.'s supported employment program. There is no limit on the number of individuals an employer can hire from target groups to qualify and claim the tax credit. 

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